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Packaging Company Looks to Move into Lab-Grown Meat

Sustainable packaging company Ecovative plans to pivot into lab-grown meat and other areas, reports Business Insider. The company, which makes packing and building materials from mushrooms, will use a platform called MycoFlex to tailor its foam-like product made from mushroom roots into cellular scaffolding for lab grown meat.

"The key thing mycelium does is go from a single-celled organism to a 3D structure in space," says Eben Bayer, Ecovative's co-founder and CEO. "We've been growing animal cells on it and they've been growing really well." In the plant-based food arena, mycelium could be used as the foundation for new, even meatier versions of already popular vegetarian items like the Impossible Burger or the Beyond Burger, according to the report. Full Story

Related: OU Weighs Possibility of Lab-Grown Kosher MeatMemphis Meats Creates First Lab-Grown Chicken.

from Specialty Food News
Packaging Company Looks to Move into Lab-Grown Meat Packaging Company Looks to Move into Lab-Grown Meat Reviewed by Unknown on October 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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