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Study Reveals Drinking Soda Linked Increased Risk of Death

A new study published in JAMA Internal Medicine has found that drinking at least two 8-ounce glasses of soda a day is linked to increased risk of death, reports Food Dive. The study included 452,000 individuals from 10 European countries and followed their health for 18 years.

It was found that artificially sweetened soft drinks were more connected to death from circulatory disease, while sugar sweetened soda was connected to digestive diseases associated with the liver, appendix, pancreas, and intestines. Full Story

Related: Wild Bill’s Grows Unique Distribution ModelCalifornia to Put Warning Labels on Sugary Drinks.

from Specialty Food News
Study Reveals Drinking Soda Linked Increased Risk of Death Study Reveals Drinking Soda Linked Increased Risk of Death Reviewed by Unknown on September 06, 2019 Rating: 5

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