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Amazon Warns UK Businesses to Prepare for No-Deal Brexit

Amazon warned U.K. businesses trading through its online marketplace to prepare for a no-deal Brexit or risk not being able to sell to customers in the EU, reports The Independent. The company wrote to sellers in the U.K. to tell them a no deal "may temporarily prevent cross-border trade." To ensure sellers are ready, Amazon says they should consider sending stock to its European fulfillment centers by March 17, and businesses should be prepared that any units in a U.K. fulfillment center might not be fulfilled cross-border to EU customers.

Amazon has become a valuable source of sales for Britain's small firms which can use the marketplace to reach a global audience. Exports from U.K. sellers through Amazon increased by more than a quarter to $2.9 billion in 2017 from about $2.3 billion in 2016. Full Story

Related: UK to Leave EU March 29UK Grocers Stockpile Goods.

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Amazon Warns UK Businesses to Prepare for No-Deal Brexit Amazon Warns UK Businesses to Prepare for No-Deal Brexit Reviewed by Unknown on January 21, 2019 Rating: 5

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